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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Data Science

Special For Today


Before we dive into the world of logarithms, let's explore some everyday situations where this mathematical idea plays a crucial role. These scenarios will...

Linear equation

Before understanding the concept can you solve the below problem Garima works at a Reliance Retail gardening supply store in India. At the store,...

Bash Cheatsheet : Guide to Boost Your Terminal Productivity

Moving and Navigating: CTRL+A: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. CTRL+B: Shifts the cursor one character backward. CTRL+C: Interrupts the...

OpenAI Launches AI Text Classifier to Identify AI-Written Text

OpenAI has announced the launch of a new AI classifier that can distinguish between AI-written and human-written text. This classifier aims to inform mitigations...

Bing’s Erratic Behavior Prompts Microsoft to Restrict Chat Sessions

In order to control the erratic behavior of the newly introduced AI-powered search engine Bing, Microsoft has restricted its chat functionalities. Users have reported...


Basics of Python

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